last change
Friday, 03-Dec-2010 17:17:47 EST
t h e f e a t u r e t r a c k
This section is dedicated to bringing you our latest musical pride & joy. Generally this is a song we are working on in the studio and ready enough to share with you. If we put it here that means it probably will be released later on in final form on a future album... so scoop it up while it is here.
Rock Star Crap
Recorded Live for Freq 107 interview with Gordo on April 4th, 2006. We think we pulled off a really great live take on the yet to be released Rock Star Crap song. Enjoy!
Play: Rock Star Crap
What You Don't Know
Recorded Live for Freq 107 interview with Gordo on April 4th, 2006. this is also pretty darn close to how we want the studio version to come off.
Play: What You Don't Know