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Friday, 03-Dec-2010 17:17:47 EST
Strategy Of Tragedy I, II, & III
the story behind the 3-part trilogy...
Originally all three of these songs were instrumentals which all re-visited the same musical riff/theme at some point. It also fit nicely with the 'thesis', 'antithesis', 'synthesis' idea espoused by some conspiracy theorists which can be traced to the eighteenth century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel. Ultimately we wanted to start the album with part I, have II near the middle, and end with III. The other songs of the album kind of tell the story with words and music. Brad always had some word ideas for part III but they were not formed by the time we recorded so we almost left it as an instrumental. Later Brad expained some of the ideas and initial lyrics to Basil and he ran with it to basically write the existing lyrics. The best way to sum up this album is that it is about the plight of the modern day truth seeker in a world of competing and distorting theories. The trilogy represents some of the methods used by those in power to coerce people in directions the powerful ultimately desire.
When Hegel wrote of the logic of Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis, he
was describing how the conflict of opposites leads to the emergence of
new knowledge, and new phenomena. This very same theory in the hands of
the wealthy, the powerful, the shadow governments, becomes a tool of
oppression, a means to secure power over those blind to their
machinations. Create a problem and provide a solution and the people
just fall in line with the plan.
Conspiracy theory is a modern day science of investigation. People have been conditioned to react a certain way to the mere suggestion of things paranormal or out of this world and to laugh at anyone who seriously attempts to unravel these mysteries. We don't laugh at doctors trying to find a cure for disease or at astronomers trying to unravel the physical universe but when scientific-minded people tackle things that might cause our entire world view to shift we, like Pavlovian dogs, are supposed to react with fear and condemnation. Why is that? Partially social conditioning and partially our own 'fear circuit' spawning a culture of consent that mirrors that fear and a social fabric which collectively, unconsciously, seeks to enforce the 'shallow way'. The last words of part III ask "What do we do... now that we know? We have the choice... where will we go?" Esoteric or secret knowledge is still closely guarded in our modern day of information. This knowledge is slowly emerging but with no clear idea of what myth is and what fact is. We are living in a time where knowledge once only in the domain of the powerful is in fact truly making it's way into the rest of humanity and that is an unstoppable fact. What follows is a revolution of knowledge and a leveling of playing fields which certainly can lead to some growing pains as one side learns to let go of power (knowledge) and the other begins to discover it.